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Did you know? If you register an account on Meteopool, you can adjust the colors of the weather data!

Precipitation radar

A precipitation radar measures the intensity of liquid and solid precipitation by using electro magnetic waves. The relevant data for the user is measured horizontal near ground, that's why the measured precipitation correspond with the observation.

The result is a radar film with precipitation surfaces of different intensity. The table below helps with matching the colors in the map. It's important to know, that the displayed data base only on the intensity. There is no matching by rain, snow or hail. During winter, level 3 usually means a heavy snow fall already, while rain is comparable very light. The level 4 and 5 usually means moderate to heavy precipitation. Level 6 is usually an extreme precipitation in form of torrential rain or hail in huge amount / with big hailstones.

Drizzle, very light rain, smooth snow
Slight rain, moderate snow
Moderate to heavy rain, heavy snow
Heavy rain, extreme snow
Very heavy rain, hail possible, extreme snow
Extreme rain, massive or big hail, extreme snow

Facts to the radar images
  • Interval: Every 5 minutes
  • Availability: Few seconds after delivery
  • Raw data resolution: 1x1 km
  • Intensity levels: 255
  • Creation: National composite ("Fusion") of all single radar stations in Germany, deepest possible measurement (near ground)

Mesocyclone detection (tornado alarm)

The mesocyclone detection is based on an algorithm of the German Weather Service. Explanations can be found here.

Important: The mesocyclone detection is very reliable, but not a 100% guarantee that a mesocyclone is actually present. Likewise, not every rotation leads to a funnel or tornado - on the contrary - very few rotations can deepen to such an extent that a tornado ultimately develops.

Mesocyclone level 1 of 5 - Wallcloud possible, low risk of tornado development
Mesocyclone level 2 of 5 - Wallcloud possible, slight risk of tornado development
Mesocyclone level 3 of 5 - Wallcloud likely, moderate risk of tornado development
Mesocyclone level 4 of 5 - Wallcloud very likely, enhanced risk of tornado development
Mesocyclone level 5 of 5 - Low level, strong rotating wallcloud, high risk of tornado development

In addition to the detection described above, an algorithm developed by Meteopool is used. It is about the detection of rotation close to the ground, which favors tornado development, funnels or already formed tornadoes. When such a feature is detected, the normal symbol is replaced by a symbol below. Rotation marked with these symbols is consequently associated with significantly higher danger and should be treated with appropriate necessary attention.

Mesocyclone level 1 of 5 + Meteopool tornado early detection
Mesocyclone level 2 of 5 + Meteopool tornado early detection
Mesocyclone level 3 of 5 + Meteopool tornado early detection
Mesocyclone level 4 of 5 + Meteopool tornado early detection
Mesocyclone level 5 of 5 + Meteopool tornado early detection

Lightning detection

Color key for time based lightning display (Single lightnings, no density maps)


Color key of lightning density

few/scattered strikes
many/concentrated strikes

GPS-tracking of stormchasers

The GPS-tracking includes the display of the current GPS status and the tracking of the travel route. The data are transmitted mobile by different softwares and with different qualities.

The travel routes are visible for 12 hours and levelled in color by time (Standard colors: the more dark blue, the newer the route. The more transparent and light blue, the older the route.).

The status of a single stormchaser can be recognised by his/her vehicle icon ("POI"), as well as by clicking on that icon:

grey vehicle icon Stormchaser is inactive - GPS is turned off (After 24 hours without GPS signal, the vehicle icon disappears from the map)
yellow vehicle icon Stormchaser is waiting or doing a break / GPS signal is temporarily broken / GPS is active but no vehicle movement
green vehicle icon Stormchaser is travelling / active (Icon shows direction)

Color key of GPS tracks


Weather webcams

The weather webcam display contains two things: First the display of the clickable webcam symbols ("POIs"), second the display of the view cone ("cone").The viewing direction of the webcam can be recognised by the cone before clicking on the icon.It's also possible to track down thunderstorms, by searching all webcams, pointing in the desired direction on the thunderstorm.A display of the viewing distance is not available, because the maximum viewing distance to the most faraway mountain/house/forest is not relevant for the cloudage on the radar. During adequate weather periods, clouds can be seen with more than a hundred kilometer distance, while the webcam viewing distance until the next mountain is limited to 5km.

normal webcam icon Webcam transmits a new image every now and then, longer intervals (>1 minute)
live webcam icon Webcam transmits as a live stream or a new image in short intervals (<1 minute)
Youtube webcam icon Webcam transmits as a Youtube live stream
Twitch webcam icon Webcam transmits as a Twitch live stream

Weather stations

The colors show the status of a weather station entry

Full report available and online
Report available via external webpage
Report available, not integrated yet
Exact position, no report yet (Maybe you want to change this?)
Roughly estimated position, no report yet (Maybe you want to change this?)

The icons themselves show the type of a weather station

Normal, automatic weather station without specific location
Weather station at an airfield or related to an airfield
Weather station at a road/highway
Manned weather stations (with assistance of automatic measurement technique), usually with consistent employees
Manual weather station, no automatic data saving
Abandoned, past or relocated weather stations

The symbol size stands for the size of a weather station

Small weather station (only 1 device holding pole, very few measurement devices or very compact construction)
Great weather station, extensive field of measurement, several measurement devices, spatial separations

Weather radar stations

Active (operational) weather radar
Discontinued or former weather radar

Radio probes (Ascending locations / "Soundings")

Weather balloons for measuring the atmosphere usually start at ascending locations for radio probes during specified times.The measured data can be looked at several provider and offer helpful information about weather in higher areas.

Symbol of an ascending location for radio probes Radio probe ascending location