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Ein schöner Blick zur Vanšu-Hängebrücke über den Fluss Düna. Die Webcam befindet sich auf dem Riga Islande Hotel. A beautiful view of the Vanšu Suspension bridge over river Daugava, situated on the Islande Hotel in Riga, Latvia. The webcam is located at an island in a height of 80 m NHN. The webcam image is broadcasted live (<1min or stream). The view on the ground to identify precipitation (rain, snow, hail) is not avaiable, blocked or vague. This webcam is a weather cam - the Sky is clearly visible to see clouds and weather.

Icon for sunrise at the webcam location Sunrise: UTC 06:30 CEST 07:30
Icon for sunset at the webcam location Sunset: UTC 14:42 CEST 15:42

How is the current weather near this webcam? 10 more surrounding webcams:

360 kmSEEurope > Finland > Helsinki - Jätkäsaari View
403 kmSEurope > Finland > Torku - Base Port
408 kmNNWEurope > Poland > Kahlberg (Krynica Morska) - Strand (Plaza)
422 kmWNWEurope > Poland > Küsfeld zu Heisternest (Kuznica/Jastarnia) - Hafenblick
442 kmNWEurope > Poland > Debki - Strand (Plaza)
443 kmNEurope > Poland > Zoppot (Sopot) - Klub Atelier
492 kmSSWEurope > Russia > Sankt Petersburg - Blick auf Isaakskathedrale
561 kmWSWEurope > Poland > Warschau - Blick auf Paradeplatz und Kulturpalast
650 kmENEEurope > Germany > Niechorze (Ostseebad Horst) - Niechorze Leuchtturm
704 kmSSWEurope > Poland > Kamiensk - Skipiste (Stok narciarski)
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