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English available now

Guido RichterTeamStormchaser schrieb vor 9 Jahren (bearbeitet vor 2 Jahren):

Hey folks,

Meteopool is available in English language now. It took quite a long time but finally we are proud to open the project for international weather enthusiasts. Switching between languages is simple - just press the button in the top right corner of the page. Polish translation may be available too in the future. We'll keep you updated.

Eingebundene Grafik

Important news will be multilingual from now on. The manuals to transmit GPS data (link only valid for stormchasers) have been translated as well.

You are welcome to spread out project out in the world. We are looking forward to welcome some new faces from Europe or around the world.

There may be some smaller bugs with links or translated pages. Please report them. Thank you!

Best regards
Your Meteopool-Team

zagutekStormchaser schrieb vor 9 Jahren:

Meteopool will be available in polish soon Emote: :D

Guido RichterTeamStormchaser schrieb vor 9 Jahren:

Thank's for the reminder. I'm still working on the conversion to UTF8 of the project. If this is completed I will send you the language files.

Do you have contact to other chasers who would join?

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